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Dragon Eggs
Dragon Eggs
Attack: 1
Defense: {{{Defense}}}
Life Force: 80
Speed: 5 tpa
Points: 2251
No Strengths
No Weaknesses
Summoning Costs
Herb Essences Herb Essences 60.000
Crystal Splinters Crystal Splinters 38.000
Power Stones Power Stones 51.000
Gold Gold Resin 44.000
Mana Mana 3.000
Summoned: Breeding Station
Room: 100
Tree of Life: Level 10
Breeding Station: Level 5
Hero Statue: Level 1
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Working on this article at the moment: Nobody



At one time, a lot of dragons hatched out of it, but you have to be careful when speaking about them as there are two different kinds of Dragon Eggs. The first kind is the natural Dragon Egg - dragons still hatch out of these. The other kind is the magic Dragon Egg - conjured by a Magician. The Dragon Egg has got a majestic aura, it shimmers in the most precious colours when touched by the sunlight. In the morning it glows soft green to Light blue, at noon it glows in colours ranging from Light red to orange and in the evening it glares in an insistent Gold. During these magic hours, when the Dragon Egg gleams golden, it breaks open, sheds a golden liquid and a new Tree of Life will grow and flourish in the vale.

Although many people think, the Dragon Egg is "only" an egg, they are mistaken, because the Dragon Egg can grow up to one and a half meters in diameter and therefore tops most of the other known eggs. When you take a closer look, the Dragon Egg seems to be very scaly and almost leathery, but it is smooth like ice. When a Magician puts his hand on the hard, impervious eggshell, legends say that he can feel a slight prickle like being in a trance...

The Dragon Egg, as every Magician knows, is created in the legendary Breeding Station. How it exactly comes to be, nobody knows - but it is said that by using Gold Resin, Power Stones and a secret formula, the Dragon Egg will come into being and start to grow. For centuries the scholars and sages have been puzzled about the mysterium of the Dragon Egg at their universities - but they have hardly scratched the surface. Yet the small insights were enough to acquire the skill of creating Dragon Eggs and recovering the valuable Mana from them.