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Heroes command hordes of creatures. They can attack sentinels or other player. The can bring reinforcements to your palaces or transport resources from one palace to another.

The number of heroes that are available to you, depends on the level of your hero statue.

The button Heroes in the menubar leads to the configuration screen of your heroes.

Create a hero

After you have conjured your hero statue on level one, you are ready to create your first hero. In the hero menu, click on the button labeled with „Create a new hero“. On each fith level of the statue, you can create one additional hero. For this purpose, only the hero statue with the highest level counts. You get the first hero free of charge, but additional heroes will cost an increasing amount of mana to create.


Types of heros

Mountain troll
Half giant
Attack 4 0 3 2 1 0 0
Defence 0 4 0 0 2 3 0
Life 0 0 1 2 1 1 2

Heroes can lead creatures. Without the leadership of a hero, creatures can not leave the palace.

For the transport of resources or dragon eggs, one should use a pegasus. A pegasus can not attack, but it has the great advance that it can not be attacked, unless it stands on a palace. A pegasus is also invulnerable to crystalline catapult attacks. Each pegasus cost an increasing amount of mana, but not higher level of the hero statue is needed to create them.


On the wings of magic, heroes rush through the world with a speed of 1 tpa. This especially relevant for spy attacks, hence the speed of the complete horde is determined by the speed of the slowest unit.


File:Helden Erfahrungsbalken.png
Erfahrungsbalken eines Helden

Heroes gain experince in fights. When the gathered experience points reach a certain limit, the heroes gains an additional level. The number of experience points necessary for the next level can be seen on the experience bar.

Each time a hero rises one level, he also gains one skillpoint. Under the tab status, you can assign the skillpoints to the attributes of your hero. This cost one rune for each skillpoint that is distributed on the attributes.


Each point of „Attack“ increases the attack strength of all creatures led by the hero. The percental increase depends on the attack strength of the creature. The higher its strength, the higher is the percental enhancement. For a creature with an attack strength of 1, the enhancement is 2% for each point of attack of the hero.
The same applies for defence. Defence does not mean an armor value, but an attack value in case the unit defends. The enhancement here is 2.5 %.
Life force
Each point on life increases the hit points of all creatures, that are led by the hero. Again, the percental increase depends on the life value of the creature. For a creature with life 1, the enhancement is 1.1 %.

Rename heroes

The name of a hero is displayed at the top of the hero screen. On a click, the name changes into an input field and a new name can be entered.


Defence settings

Under the tab "Status" you can assign defence commands to your hero.

normal normal
Only your own Heroes and palaces in this valley are included in your defence.
Area defence Area defence
Heroes and palaces allied with you or other players in the area are included in the defence.
Valley defence Valley defence
Anything positioned in this valley (Sentinels, hostile palaces, Heroes etc.) is included in your defence.

Key of symbols

Resource delivery
resource delivery
Mana delivery
mana delivery
Set up war camp
Set up a War Camp
camp (join a war camp)
Plant tree
Plant a Tree of Life pflanzen
Status "normal"
Status "Valley defence"
Status "Area defence"
Duration (in ticks)
Duration (time)
Time of completion

Transfer of resources and creatures between heroes and the palace

Transfer von Rohstoffen und Wesen

Click on the button "Hero" in the menubar. In the left you will find a listing of your heroes and coordinates of their actual positions. Choose the hero you want to assign creatures to and click on this hero to get into the hero menu. If the hero is on your active palace you will find a list of the resources and creatures of your hero on the left and a similar list for your palace on the right. You can now enter the number of the creatures, you want to transfer to your hero and click on the button "Transfer". You can also use the slider to change the number. If you click on the red arrows beside the transfer button you can transfer all creature or resources at once.

Kategorie:Spielelemente Kategorie:Index